He was the staunch crusader for the cause of Vegetarianism. Although the indefatigable crusader of vegetarianism is no more, he will always be remembered.
In ill health during the months preceding his demise, he nevertheless tried to keep active. He authored so many books on Vegetarianism and Jainism, among them following are very popular ‘Varakh Maansaahaar Hai’ (meaning ‘Varakh—edible metal film: Editor—is Non-Vegetarian’), the thin booklet researched and published by him that educated the entire country on the origins of varakh (Silver Foil). Complaining of ill-health in his old age, he remarked that there was yet a lot of work remaining to be done, but that his health was not permitting him.
Dr. Nemichand Jain was a one-man crusader, a lone fighter. Having made it the mission of his life to spread the cause of vegetarianism—inspired by his religion ‘Jainism’, no doubt—he seems to have been a workaholic. Coming out with one issue every month of his magazines Shaakahaar Kraanti and Teerthankar with little help and mostly authored cover to cover by him, with contributions from associates. Among his innumerable other publications Katlkhaane: 100 tathya (meaning ‘Slaughterhouses: 100 facts’) stands out for its bold coverage of slaughterhouses and has inspired many a person to turn vegetarian.
He would do the research for many a story himself, e.g., personally visiting the slaughterhouses of Agra to gather photographic evidence of varakh production. In this matter, he would remain an inspiration to younger activists in the animals’ arena.
We will remember him and be inspired by him in all our work.
“Before this country, this world becomes one big slaughterhouse, we must shut these abattoirs which have started creating abattoirs within the human being, and must make a new start. A start where the heartbeat of everything in this world—the earth, the sky, the sea—is filled with prayerful reverence and where respect for life ranks foremost among our values. By boarding up all slaughterhouses, it is certain that we will nourish all that is superior about the human life and will hand a torch into the hands of coming generations to carry.”—Nemichand Jain, Indore .
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